YET the mood among the dozen or so group members on the walk was chatty and cheerful, and interesting finds were shared among the group.
He shows them some of his interesting finds.
On the top deck there are several interesting finds, both ship equipment and other assorted items, including a musket.
Excavations began in 1995 but the most interesting finds were discovered in 2005.
Archaeological investigations in a small lake there in 2007 led to interesting finds of Illyrian boats.
The Receiver of Wreck releases an Annual Report in which she outlines interesting finds and statistics for that year.
The site museum has some interesting finds and has a number of dioramas depicting Corinth as it would once have looked.
One of the most interesting finds was the Zbruch Idol, a stone figure of a deity with four faces.
The only mildly interesting finds were multiple, tiny, discrete lesions in various organs, suggesting that he had suffered numerous episodes of infection from his habit.
Photographs and replicas of some interesting finds will decorate stations in the area of the excavations.