The low yields available on bonds and other interest-bearing investments have prompted investors to seek higher returns from stocks.
Certificates of deposit led the general rise in yields for interest-bearing investments in the most recent week.
What do you know about fiduciary bonds, roll-over percentages, PEPS, short-term interest-bearing investments, treasury bills and bank certificates of deposit?
Some doctors have long suspected that insurance companies deliberately delay payments so they can add that money to their interest-bearing investments.
When a police officer or firefighter is killed, the foundation immediately puts $15,000 into interest-bearing investments.
Instead, they put money into "cash equivalents" - interest-bearing investments with high safety and liquidity.
Don't tie up your money quite yet in long-range interest-bearing investments.
A. High yield is still an asset class where you can hit a single, especially compared with alternative, interest-bearing investments.
Rising rates encourage investors to switch their money out of stocks and into interest-bearing investments.
The German Government outlined a proposal today to tax income from interest-bearing investments.