The curriculum starts with an intensive period of interdisciplinary training common to all students.
The institute last year served 5,000 developmentally disabled clients, provided interdisciplinary training for 50 students and conducted educational programs for 4,000 professionals in the field.
One recently was the 2.8 million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation which supported interdisciplinary training for ecologists and civil engineers.
The only thing that can really help is interdisciplinary training.
The new Energy, Environment, and Society graduate program is unique to the CSU, and provides graduates with interdisciplinary training in engineering, economics, and climate policy.
As an educational establishment with interdisciplinary and multi-level training, LHU offers programs in vocational training, college, bachelor of arts and postgraduate degrees.
Grossberg founded several institutions aimed at providing interdisciplinary training and research in the fields of computational neuroscience, connectionist cognitive science, and neuromorphic technology.
The MSc in Carbon Management provides interdisciplinary training in the business, economics and science of carbon management.
During Imber-Black's editorship, the journal published both clinical and research issues on such topics as divorce, Latino families, asthma, and interdisciplinary training.
The School of International Affairs is grounded on international policy making, offering interdisciplinary training from various fields, such as law, political science, international relations, geography, sociology, and economics.