The eight interdisciplinary seminars are now in their second year.
In 1998, Klingmann began to teach interdisciplinary seminars and design studios at various universities.
Kate also teaches interdisciplinary seminars and design studios at Columbia University.
A core of four interdisciplinary seminars, one each semester for the first two years.
Through a series of small interdisciplinary seminars students are connected with faculty, school culture, and the institutions of University Circle.
Traditionally, a student will spend the first two years of their college experience participating in a series of 3 interdisciplinary seminars.
These interdisciplinary seminars are followed in the third year by a departmental seminar usually in the student's field of study.
The program includes 5 interdisciplinary seminars and a 80-120 page honor thesis the student's senior year.
All students attend two one-term modules in each of the four subjects, and a number of interdisciplinary seminars.
(An interdisciplinary seminar for the presentation of specific historical research to a general historian audience.)