The Johnston Center focuses on interdisciplinary education, in which each student designs the curriculum for his or her personal program of study.
Students are not required to join a Scholars program that is aligned with their major, as the program provides an interdisciplinary education.
FFI is an international resource for interdisciplinary education, research, and collaboration in the family enterprise field.
Over the past few years, a new focus on interdisciplinary education has emerged.
It promotes interdisciplinary education and research in the field of Sound and Music Computing.
With the integration of the arts and humanities and interdisciplinary education the school has no conventional departments.
It acts to promote interdisciplinary education and research, primarily but not exclusively in the domain of complex systems.
From the beginning, the college made interdisciplinary education a priority and planned to accomplish much of its teaching through seminars, independent study, and experiential learning.
The Griffith Law School provides an interdisciplinary legal education.
It is one of the first of its kind in Germany, combining interdisciplinary education with a transcultural focus.