Muscle Shoals would consist of three interdependent parts.
Words, he said, are interdependent parts of the 'structural' system which makes up the language.
The result is a comprehensive system for language revitalization, comprising five major parts that are clearly defined, measurable, and interdependent.
A holistic system is any set (group) of interdependent or temporally interacting parts.
These three categories for him were, in Stoic fashion, inseparable and interdependent parts of an organic, natural whole.
Then she made the point that judges "play an interdependent part in our democracy.
Organic Unity is the idea that a thing is made up of interdependent parts.
The nervous systems of these creatures are loosely organized with many more-or-less interdependent parts.
These tasks, and far more complicated challenges like the renewal of the public school system, are interdependent parts of any neighborhood transformation, Mr. Street agreed.
In just a short time, most businesses have gone from complicated to complex: they contain numerous diverse, interdependent parts.