The interaction itself, however, should have induced a disturbance in the physical dynamics of the beam sufficient to alert the operators at the far end to the fact that the probe was encountering something.
Cell-ECM interactions induce changes in differentiation and self-renewal by the stiffness of the substrate via mechanotransduction, and different integrins interacting with ECM molecules.
Often there is little, if any, human interaction but the power link remains to control behaviours and induce compliance.
Such interactions between nearby galaxies, which may ultimately result in a merger, sometimes induce significantly increased incidents of star formation leading to starburst galaxies.
This interaction results in a reduction of torque-generation and induces counterclockwise motor bias that slows the motor and induces counterclockwise rotation, inhibiting chemotaxis.
Ehrlich suggested that interaction between an infectious agent and a cell-bound receptor would induce the cell to produce and release more receptors with the same specificity.
This interaction induces the reverse activation of p38 and ERK MAP kinases in cancer cells, which increases their motile and survival potentials.
These interactions induce a conformational change in the receptor structure, which triggers the activation of various intracellular signaling pathways.
Knockout studies in mice suggest that the interaction of PGF2-alpha with this receptor in ovarian luteal cells initiates luteolysis and thus induces parturition.
The interaction of the stator revolving field and motor induced field produce a torque and thus rotation.