Nearly all of science deals with baryonic matter and how the fundamental interactions affect such matter.
This interaction between history and politics affects the austere writer.
How does the interaction between the public and private sectors affect the capacity to respond to cyber-related threats?
Such interactions are rich, i.e. any element in the system is affected by and affects several other systems.
The tests are conducted without anesthesia, because interactions between drugs can affect how animals detoxify chemicals, and may interfere with the results.
Mega Man's interactions with characters from the game can also affect the price of objects.
First encounters or interactions with another person strongly affect a person's perception.
MacDonald's area of interest is on how electron-electron interactions affect electronic properties in condensed matter systems.
In addition, protein structure, post-translational modification, or interaction with other proteins may affect site recognition.
Many facilitative interactions directly affect the distribution of species.