This manifested itself in blunt anti-communism during the inter-war era.
In the inter-war era, the college gained a reputation for sports (which still exists to this day).
Development continued during the inter-war era, although at a more limited pace as aircraft were expected to take over in the long-range bombardment role.
Siemens-Schuckert built a number of designs in World War I and inter-war era.
The largest development occurred in the inter-war era, when Josef Stříž was the mayor.
Sweden had very few tanks in the inter-war era.
He became one of Mackenzie King's most trusted advisors during the inter-war era.
Novel set in the inter-war era:
Just like "isolationism" had millions of adherents in the US during the inter-war era.
Since the inter-war era, it has been a centre for the tourist industry.