The group crowded closer around the table to follow intently while "Krantz went on: "Shutting the whole system down is something we wish to avoid.
Remember, he was intently following the conversation with his eyes.
The 45-year-old Mr. Jassem intently followed the proceedings.
He would then post the school's weekly updated class and grade rankings in the hallways, which the students would intently follow.
He said that 100 percent of the Albanians in the congregation have family either in Kosovo or in Albania and they intently follow the news.
They have received special national security briefings and are said by friends and aides to be intently following developments.
Moffis intently followed this argument to the end, then nodded.
Barney turned back to the girl, who was following the conversation very intently.
In fact, such apparently good sales news could worry two groups that intently follow the auto industry: investors in auto stocks and the Federal Reserve.
Iranians intently followed the news conference, which has broadcast live on state television, seeking clues about the direction of the government.