Display of "Dyslexia virus V2.01" (although this can only be produced intentionally).
Many Troma films are intentionally produced in the Brechtian form which is vastly different from mainstream horror movies.
D. The symptoms are not intentionally produced or feigned(as in factitious disorder or malingering).
Dioxins are not intentionally produced and have no known use.
They are unique among the large number of organochlorine compounds of environmental interest in that they were never produced intentionally as desired commercial products.
This is important when smoke and heat is intentionally produced.
However, artifacts are occasionally intentionally produced for artistic purposes, a style known as glitch art or datamoshing.
In contrast, anthrophony from heavily populated urban regions usually does not contain information that was intentionally produced for communication with a sound receiver.
Cyberspatial entities are expressions of the same type as any other intentionally produced, man-made object.
It was a forced gaiety in that it was produced intentionally by wit and cognac.