There are also some intentionally funny bits.
Everybody but him and Scar laughed as if he was being intentionally funny.
Comedian accounts are for people who upload videos that are intentionally funny and promote their careers.
Something completely different: an intentionally funny campaign.
"I wanted to write an intentionally funny book," he said.
In short, it's much like any videotaped network news feature, a manipulation through misrepresentation, except that it's intentionally funny.
He also winced when he had to read some of the intentionally funny possible answers.
Please enjoy this week's video and captions, which, this time, are intentionally funny!
What it amounts to, of course, is a grotesque, intentionally funny form of ostentatious consumption, a parody of a capitalist excess.
Richard Adam's coverage was a whole lot more entertaining, and unlike the candidates, intentionally funny.