"I never intentionally failed to withhold Social Security taxes," he said.
The climax comes less than halfway through the story, and Hawthorne intentionally failed to answer many questions about the characters and the plot.
Furthermore, subjects may intentionally fail to report embarrassing, immoral, or private dream experiences for fear of judgement, which results in censored, incomplete reports.
Before the battle Christian intentionally fails to take his prescribed injection of holy water - the team's means of protection against possession.
During the final game, Meat is benched because Miss Webster intentionally failed him.
He fails on his first try intentionally, but almost succeeds on his second, which is what lands him in prison.
It also claims that the government has willfully and intentionally failed to protect property owners.
It was never conclusively established that Brye intentionally failed to retire Brett.
"Are you asking me to intentionally fail at the task you've assigned me, Founder?"
Much of the play's humor comes from its audacious (and intentionally failed) efforts to recreate film effects onstage.