At one point the company offered $100,000 for information leading to the conviction of "anyone who intentionally damages the company's network."
Mary suspects he is intentionally damaging the car to provide work for the garage.
The concern is when people inadvertently or intentionally damage the art.
LB 238 created new criminal offenses for those who intentionally damage certain equipment or structures of public power suppliers.
After the damage was discovered, another O-ring was intentionally damaged to a further degree.
Many photographs from this era were intentionally damaged.
New York Telephone offered $100,000 then for information leading to the arrest and conviction of "anyone who intentionally damages the company's network."
The Zulu would intentionally damage the tree's main trunk, causing the tree to coppice from its base.
He smoked less and less-in the thin air, intentionally damaging his lung capacity was insane.
While wires are often bent or stretched during production, the recent cases involved wires being damaged intentionally in a variety of ways, the person said.