One worker can spend from 4 to 8 intensive weeks with a family, on 24-hour call, constantly teaching and strengthening parental skills.
It was followed by six intensive weeks of redecorating.
The program began with nine graduates in their first intensive week in April 2009.
The program requires time on the residential campus, in Lubbock for two intensive weeks.
In addition, intensive weeks take place outside of the regular lecture period.
And he completed the Ruth statue in one intensive week of work.
All told, the competitors played about 72 hours of music during these last two and a half intensive weeks.
It has kept its moniker because this is the most inspection and test intensive week.
The students receive an intensive week of training before being allowed to start work on the crew.
He prepared for the shoot with an intensive week of interviews among the actors, who grilled one another in character.