If by year's end it had raised test scores, students in later grades would also be homogeneously grouped for intensive reading.
Community Scholars are given intensive reading, writing and mathematics courses the summer before their freshman year.
Bible study is intensive reading of the Bible.
The seminars stress development of critical thinking skills and are discussion-based, with "intensive reading and writing."
The emphasis in Fast Forward 3 is on improving upper-intermediate students' skills in the areas of speaking, listening comprehension, and intensive reading.
Edison emphasized teacher training, intensive reading, discipline and core values like respect, dignity and compassion.
We funded intensive in-school, after-school and summer-school reading intervention programs.
After intensive reading and study, he had concluded that the Communist system in which he had thrived was based on a big lie.
The dimensions are excellent for video, but not particularly good for intensive reading.
Staged treatment of each text - skimming, intensive reading, reading for reference, with attention to special vocabulary and language points.