The increased efficiency provided by the proportionator makes more work intensive methods such as the optical fractionator less attractive except in small projects.
While others have argued with passion about these intensive methods, animal scientists have been quietly asking pigs how they prefer to live.
When he first started to air his views on intensive farming methods they labelled him a crank and hoped he would go away.
Ms. Hicks was known for developing intensive methods to attract specific groups of voters, and then turning them out to vote for her candidate.
Sociologists increasingly draw upon computationally intensive methods to analyze and model social phenomena.
People adopted more intensive methods between the 15th and 19th century.
This is exactly the opposite of what intensive methods of production and national and regional development have done for 50 years.
These intensive farming methods naturally create a number of problems.
There is little vegetation remaining of value around the lake due to the intensive agricultural methods used since settlement.
The second volume, subtitled "Sexchanges," explores similar territory with a somewhat more intensive method.