With the determination of the basic chemical structure of the ergot alkaloids in the early 1930s, an era of intensive exploration of synthetic derivatives began.
The Hamburg oil field is a remote area in north-western Alberta, Canada, with intensive exploration and production of oil and gas.
A similar liveliness informs the "Variant" series of the late 1940's and early 50's, completed just as Albers began his intensive exploration of colored squares.
In the 1950's and 1960's, Dr. Haas used the survey for intensive explorations of the native languages in California and beyond.
Iscor bought the surface rights on six farms in 1957, and in 1973 began intensive exploration to assess the quantity and quality of coal on this property.
Some exploration drilling was done in the reserve during World War II and the 1950s, but the remote location deterred intensive exploration until the 1960s.
A five-year plan has been developed for more intensive exploration at the newly discovered sites of the frankincense trade network and for expanding the search into neighboring Yemen.
But for the expedition to be allowed in eastern Yemen, they said, augured well for more intensive explorations in the future.
Scientists singled out a rock called Adirondack for intensive exploration by the Martian rover Spirit in part because it looked relatively dust-free.
Beginning in 1968, she began an intensive exploration of philosophy through art.