Many patients are not young enough or healthy enough to undergo these intensive approaches.
This school offers an intensive approach - four hours a day for a month - with sessions starting every month.
He said the bank had chosen Tandon because of its bold, intensive approach.
It focuses on increasing vocal loudness and has an intensive approach of one month.
These series represent a significant improvement in disease-free survival rates over previous, less intensive chemotherapeutic approaches.
But officials in Cuero, Tex., have adopted an intensive approach and said it was helping them meet the federal requirements.
Youthworks takes care to select teen-agers who show promise that they can benefit from the program's intensive approach.
What if it could start an Honors College offering talented students an intensive approach to learning within the broader university?
Consequential Assurance and Intervention For projects that have particular problems, a more intensive approach is required.
I welcome these moves towards a more intensive approach and flexibility.