As we begin to redeploy out of Iraq we would be intensely involved at a high level in the political process between Sunni and Shia.
"But we have to be willing and able to get intensely involved."
For most members that means group meals, shared expenses, intensely involved relationships and daily dialogue sessions known as feedback learning, which are the soul and the cement of the community.
"The fantasy-prone are completely immersed in their imaginary world, intensely involved," said Steven Jay Lynn, a psychologist at Ohio University.
The chairman is thrust into a fund-raising whirl and is involved intensely in dozens of Senate races, creating widespread loyalty and national exposure.
Va'avo Hayom el HaAyin, an intensely involved and original text on Sabbatianism.
I am intensely involved at all levels.
Their live show is known for keeping "packed crowd[s] intensely involved for an entire show", with "call-and-response choruses" and "meaty guitar riffs."
The performances were revelatory, and greeted as such by London's musical press and an intensely involved, knowledgeable audience.
No subject, no matter how humble, is safe, and the authors get intensely involved.