And the look in his eyes, possessive, proud, loving, intensely alive, made Helva's mind reel with joy.
The whole crowded deck was intensely alive, poised.
For that reason, her art may seem ephemeral, but it remains intensely alive in the memories and imaginations of those who have seen it.
The brush with death made them feel intensely alive.
It was at moments like this that Branwen Galway felt most intensely alive; they were what kept her coming back into space.
His nerves seemed sharp, honed, he felt intensely alive.
He was more intensely alive and aware than he had ever been, and he wanted the moment to last forever.
Here was another history, intimate and intensely alive.
She was intensely alive when things went right in her world, a scholar who would never lose her sense of wonder.
None of these things were half alive, and I wanted life to be intensely alive and awake.