It begins with clouds building up from the south in the early afternoon followed by intense thunderstorms and rainfall, which can cause flash floods.
The biggest problem was the precipitation, which mostly fell in intense thunderstorms.
Rain falls almost every day in intense thunderstorms, and sunny periods seldom last more than a few hours after sunrise.
The third flood occurred on July 13, 1956, shortly after an intense thunderstorm in the hills to the south.
The Basin experiences frequent flooding from intense thunderstorms and heavy rainfall.
Moreover, both types appear to be associated only with the most intense thunderstorms.
An intense thunderstorm, which delayed the start for 1 hour 58 minutes, left puddles in the outfield.
Rain falls on most days of the wet season, though it falls in short and intense thunderstorms.
Almost all the scarce precipitation falls as intense, sporadic thunderstorms in this season.
There was an intense thunderstorm under way on the day I arrived last month, the reverberations knocking the mangoes from the trees.