The protest drew national attention to the Flatbush grocery and led to intense soul-searching about relations between blacks and Asian-Americans.
Michael Rupert, very believably announcing, "I'm lost," is angst-ridden as Father Raymond, and Michael Booth goes through visibly intense soul-searching as Tom.
The result is intense soul-searching about what kind of country Spain is becoming.
If Winthrop has not sharply changed its course, it has nonetheless gone through some intense soul-searching - and a wholesale restructuring of its management and ownership.
In 2010, Janet starts to have an affair with Dusty Donovan, after Jack leaves town, with intense soul-searching, following his accidental shooting and killing of his brother Brad.
Their bold moves, made after intense soul-searching over the ethical and scientific issues, should help to revive a promising field of research - known as therapeutic or research cloning - that had been staggered by a scandal in South Korea.
Wilde's trial appears to have prompted some intense soul-searching in Gray and he re-embraced Catholicism in 1895.
Yet the collapse of European Communism has also provoked intense soul-searching.
Here, at the General Dynamics Corporation, the nation's No. 2 military supplier, this is a time of intense soul-searching.
I was struck by the similarity between Siebert's quest to discover his own genetic fate and the intense soul-searching of the early American Puritans to determine whether they were to be saved or damned.