He was suddenly overcome with indignation and intense sorrow.
He shows intense sorrow for his sexual sins, and writes on the importance of sexual morality.
Livia insisted that she could understand the intense sorrow her daughter endured, but Serena refused to believe it.
The intense sorrow I felt took my breath away, and I needed all my strength not to break down sobbing.
Her death on 22 July caused an intense sorrow to the Dauphin, which persisted into his second marriage.
It is best understood as "loving acceptance" and can exist even "in moments of intense sorrow or immense physical pain."
People who experience pity may have intense sorrow for the person or animal, and may try to help them.
At first, it was just survival in the face of the intense sorrow, but as their lips opened, an unspoken hunger awoke.
A look of intense sorrow crossed Svrona's face and she closed her eyes against painful memories.
Images of intense sorrow, decaying corpses, and individuals with faults as well as virtues emerged.