Pedro de Mena evolved into this new style, while maintaining a vigorous personal note of intense realism.
He joined Mariano Fortuny with a group that became known for their intense realism.
Already evident was the intense realism or naturalism for which Caravaggio is now famous.
His potential for convincing, intense, even poetic realism was not to be conveyed for some time.
Its intense realism caused a sensation.
The intense realism of the killing was horrifying to the audience, and the scenes were deleted.
"We've always used intense realism, the brush as a camera," Mr. Zega said.
One important characteristic of ukiyozōshi is its intense realism.
Choking Man is an intense blend of psychological drama and magical realism that encapsulates the contemporary immigrant experience in America.
Despite archaic elements (frontal composition, gold background), they are a gallery of portraits of intense realism.