He is of intense nature and outlook and acts like a lunatic.
This format is designed to replicate the intense nature and heavy playing schedule of the Olympic Games.
It had also brought him closer to Vala than was probably wise, considering the fleeting and intense nature of human lives.
From there the intense and turbulent nature of their long working relationship unfolds.
Perhaps it's because the intense physical nature of football pumps more adrenaline into the fans' systems.
In their view, this was to deliberately downplay the intense nature of the relationship between the two men, who had been companions for 30 years.
The intense nature of this service together forged a strong friendship between him and Snake Eyes.
The intense nature of this operation often requires no less than the capabilities of a drilling rig.
His parents both played hockey and say he inherited an intense competitive nature from them.
However, given the intense and competitive nature of the first two years, maintaining the academic requirements for eligibility can be extremely difficult.