China's aging rulers are engaged in intense jockeying over national policy and a possible shuffling of Communist Party and Government posts, Chinese officials say.
The selection of Mr. Smith as the leader of the Senate Democrats came after weeks of intense behind-the-scenes jockeying.
The vote came after 24 hours of intense jockeying among Mr. Levy, Mr. Giuliani and the board members.
The last month has been consumed with especially intense jockeying and speculation about the leadership hierarchy.
The intense jockeying among the airlines to influence the guidelines is an early indication of how difficult the new board's job will be.
The original plan was adopted by an 11-to-4 vote amid intense political jockeying and infighting, with some dissenters complaining bitterly.
This led to intense jockeying among aspirants for the job, critics of Mr. Webster and supporters of the idea that the post should be nonpartisan.
The new estimate comes at a time of intense political jockeying, when the White House is under pressure to demonstrate that its plan is credible.
After months of intense political jockeying, it was Mr. Enrile, the more aggressive of the two, who had suffered the most.
Even before the meetings began, intense jockeying by participants showed how high the stakes were.