Such hierarchies produced, as they always do, an intense jealousy of status.
Perhaps, but as it results in the most intense jealousy, Nombe's hysteria is awkward.
She is then consumed by intense jealousy and refuses to see him.
He experienced an intense jealousy, imagining himself a decrepit old man surrounded by playing children, unable to join them in their happiness.
The thought of Fox with another man filled him with a sudden, intense jealousy that burned through his mind like acid.
She no longer felt the intense jealousy she once had at their clandestine meetings.
On the other hand, you may experience such intense jealousy that overcoming it is inconceivable.
Some people experience such intense jealousy that it's inconceivable to them that they could ever overcome it.
Still, you could understand why they had such intense territorial jealousies .
Then there's the intense jealousy she harbors toward his close friend Mickey Knox, an actor.