Osha leaves have an intense fragrance when bruised and are typically larger than those of poison hemlock.
It is used as a fixative in perfumes and has an intense fragrance.
The intense fragrance of Russian sage is similar to some of the true sages.
What's more, they are pure, intense fragrance, concentrated from the specific part of the plant from which they're distilled.
Its intense fragrance is such an eye-opener that I actually look forward to hopping in the shower especially right after a workout.
The popular corn lily has specific, not very intense fragrance as vegetables.
After three days, heated to 150 degrees by the sun's rays that strike the slanting glass, the pans emit an intense, fruity fragrance.
Some orchids, like Dendrobium kingianum, which has an intense, hyacinthlike fragrance, may be overwhelming.
This intense fragrance is dedicated to the woman who loves to dare.
As with the delightful old-fashioned annual, Midnight and Twilight have the intense, wonderful fragrance that strongly suggests vanilla.