This short but intense episode had far-reaching effects on the evolution of the national security system.
Sometimes they stop taking their medicine when they start to feel better, leaving them open to more intense episodes.
Even as I feared, he suffered a threshold crisis, an intense initial episode of laran-awakened sickness.
Theron Martin praised the musical score and the "intense, impactful first episode" despite he felt it has a "limited animation".
Lots of fun in general and a few intense episodes.
Such difficulties may be evidenced by mood swings, brief yet intense depressive episodes, or self-mutilation.
He wrote, "Overall, this was a powerfully intense episode with plenty of strong characterization and ties to former continuity.
After the intense episode of what happened to their family, of course she harbored a great deal of rage.
Studying globular star clusters is critical to understanding the early, intense star-forming episodes that mark galaxy formation.
Without treatment, a person with bipolar disorder may experience intense episodes of depression.