The very best examples offer intense doses of berries, structured with oak, and ample levels of acidity.
They express concerns about long-term effects of such intense doses of radiation and about the effectiveness of the procedure in deactivating the cancer and preventing recurrences.
Like Leto and Ghanima, Alia had been pre-born, and she succumbs to the pressure under an intense dose of spice.
The 60 here, most being exhibited in the West for the first time, form a series of intense Chagallian doses rather than a comprehensive overview.
That was a pretty intense dose for someone allergic to it.
Opponents have also argued that defects in the machines, damage from normal wear-and-tear, or software errors could focus an intense dose of radiation on just one spot of the body.
Of course, that would generally be a rather intense dose.
How can you get an intense enough dose of the sun's rays?
In that sense high school may be so scarring because it is students' first intense dose of the world to come.
Last year the choreographer Trajal Harrell was hit with an intense dose of post-performance depression.