The whole area has seen intense urban development, with the construction of many residential buildings.
Starting in the late 1960s and into the 1970s, people movers were the topic of intense development around the world.
The years 1870-1890 marked the period of most intense industrial development in the city's history.
This led to intense development on some portions of the moraine.
You have around 400,000 people at risk from flooding, and the number will grow in the next few years because of intense development.
Their approach will be to build the project in a series of intense development "sprints" or stages.
Such drastic growth was encouraged by intense development of gas pipeline system.
The area had undergone intense development in the 1980's.
The borough has seen intense development over the past 50 years, as virtually all areas available for construction have been developed.
But it is only now, after six years of intense development, that the prize appears within reach.