This decision, too, was the result of intense deliberation.
After a day of intense deliberation, participants determined that the original plans for the redevelopment of the World Trade Center failed to meet the needs of the city.
Something of the intense deliberation chilled him when he realized the depths of the insinuations.
After several years of intense deliberations among scientists, educators, government officials, sports leaders and athletes, the World Anti-Doping Code, a comprehensive set of international standards, was established.
The jury foreman, Barrington Bell Jr., said the jurors reached their verdict "after very intense, and I mean intense, deliberations."
After about three seconds of intense deliberations, negotiations and considerations, we've come up with an answer: ****N E I N !!!!!!!
The panel of six black, four Hispanic and two white jurors, clearly exhausted and anxious to go home after three days of intense deliberations, made only a brief joint statement.
After months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee's deadline.
The horses and their owners are depicted as if caught in a moment of intense deliberation, and then trotting away casually in other frames.
Spock straightened, an expression of intense deliberation on his face as he turned to look at Kirk.