The intense combat indicated just how difficult a final battle for the home islands of Japan might prove to be.
Somali hospital officials said the intense urban combat, which began last week, had claimed dozens of lives.
By December 1942 the regiment had seen such intense combat that it was at 1/3 strength.
After intense combat, this was cleared on 9 October.
Many minutes of intense combat followed until the Mongol attack finally ground to a halt.
The official story portrayed several days of intense combat.
During the ensuing 17 hours of intense combat, two soldiers were seriously wounded.
It followed the many operations including the most intense combat since Vietnam.
After intense combat that killed more than 1,000 people, insurgents melted back into the broken city, and hundreds of families began to return home.
By contrast, in response to the same question, but during "an intense combat situation," the percentage drops to 48%.