Firefighters discovered the bodies of the family of five early Friday morning as they fought an intense blaze that gutted the family's two-story white house on Route 82.
"The whole front of the building was gone - it was blown up," Officer Perricone said, his face still flushed from the heat of the intense blaze.
Again that minute, intense blaze of red, and then that door also swung open.
He said it was an intense blaze when the first crews showed up, with flames "rolling on the ceiling."
These also rolled open at our approach, and next instant we staggered back amazed and half-blinded by the intense blaze of light within.
He was little more than a dark stick figure in the center of an intense yellow-orange blaze.
"I doubt we will find much of anything after such an intense blaze."
He was just a silhouette against the intense blaze, but she was certain that his mouth was open and that he was singing.
Ahead of them, the fragment exploded in an intense blaze of yellow-red light.
Is it that paint cannot counterfeit the intense blaze of a sun- flooded jewel?