His passing seemed to bring even more intense blackness, an increase in the night's oppressive cloak that was not imaginary.
The intense blackness of the clouds promised a murderous downpour.
And then the child's eyes flicked open, a stray thought flashing like lightning across the intense blackness in her skull.
Between the arches rose a rectangular space of such intense blackness that it looked like a hole.
The power storage coils, with their fields of intense, dead blackness, interested the Physicist immensely.
Weird smoke that was gray and slow and thick, pitted with tiny specks of intense blackness.
The sprig of blossom still clung to the side of his head, pure white against the intense blackness of his hair.
A Sam's powerful, muscle-corded arms gripped him suddenly, and simultaneously an intense blackness fell over him.
A jagged spot roughly the size of a silver dollar, it glistened with a blackness more intense than the deepest night.
It loomed larger and larger but lost none of its intense blackness.