See the intended content here.
Apothecary wares, including albarellos, can bear the names of their intended contents, generally in Latin and often so abbreviated to be unrecognizable to the untutored eye.
According to The Associated Press, Mr. Bastian declined to comment on the cost of the structure, and its intended content remained unclear.
Wares for apothecaries, including albarello, can bear the names of their intended contents, generally in Latin and often so abbreviated to be unrecognizable to the untutored eye.
And should he need it not, well, still I want that base note, I want that perfume, I want this bottle filled with its intended contents.
While the only official filename extension defined by the standard is , various filename extensions are commonly used to indicate intended content:
A progress note is considered as containing noise when there is difference between the surface form of the entered text and the intended content.
It is in the nature of deconstruction to rob literary works of their intended content, substituting instead the subliminal messages the author did not intend.
Depending on the scenario, this triggers the intended content to be displayed.
The author adds that "Readers who take Bernard's words literally are missing a lot of the intended content."