And, reminded of some intemperate remarks on the House floor, he vowed not to fly off the handle.
But with each passing day, as both sides know, the risks of an intemperate remark by either candidate or an aide increases.
Koloth made no effort to curb his subordinate's intemperate remarks.
Some intemperate remarks made in a moment of anger.
He had a controversial tenure and was widely criticized for his allegedly intemperate remarks.
If so, was it set off by President Bush's intemperate remarks about broccoli?
He'd made some intemperate remarks in the past.
But the intemperate remarks by President Ahmadinejad came as a setback.
There is a self-destructive quality in her penchant for bad company and intemperate remarks.
She swerved to follow him, and did not make any more intemperate remarks.