He is far too honest a man, too independent a thinker and too intelligent a writer for that sort of thing.
Grant was a shrewd, intelligent, and effective writer.
Or that he had chosen a less intelligent and tenacious writer to work with.
She was also this sensitive, intelligent writer whose words were lovely.
Declared a sickly child, she was taken out of school and so it began - the long energetic career of a fiercely intelligent writer.
"Berger is one of our most intelligent, witty and independent-minded writers."
I hope you continue to use your skills as an intelligent writer and champion the cause for those less able to make their voice heard.
It's too bad, because Ellis is an intelligent writer who sometimes produces very fine work.
"One of the most intelligent, erudite and comic writers working today."
Perhaps the lesson is that all the connectivity in the world can't ensure that a person - even an intelligent writer - gets a joke.