However, all three services eventually developed their own intelligence staff.
"Negative; somebody may still be alive in there, and a live captive is what the intelligence staff's been praying for."
You should take the entire intelligence staff; the senior staff will remain on board.
Starting with your uncle and his entire intelligence staff.
However, instead of being able to head for home as he originally intended, he is put on the intelligence staff in Shanghai.
Already his intelligence staff was placing flags to denote the position of suspected American units.
The news was passed on to intelligence staffs who discounted it.
According to an internal document from 1976, some of the Church's intelligence staff got around the ban by giving false information to immigration officials.
Even his intelligence staff did better than this, Jack told himself, tossing the paper into the out basket and wishing, again, for a cigarette.
"Give my intelligence staff credit for some activity, at least," Ford said dryly.