However more recent studies have found that low to moderate alcohol consumption is not associated with children's intelligence scores.
Also, low birth weights have been linked to lower intelligence scores later in lives of the children.
However, there is no difference in intelligence scores between children raised in middle versus upper-class families.
Among women, a post-hoc analysis revealed that the lowest and highest intelligence scores did not differ significantly by number of children.
For example, higher intelligence scores (X) cause a decrease in errors made at work on an assembly line (Y).
These measures may include portfolios of student work, classroom observations, achievement measures, and intelligence scores.
The researchers found that whether siblings were born first or last in their family generally had no effect on intelligence scores.
Your intelligence scores are even higher than I thought, and it shows you have language skills that are better than mine.
With higher intelligence scores, they can also speak two bonus languages, usually Common and Aquan.
It has historically been defined as an intelligence quotient score under 70.