"The intelligence office did not cooperate at all, so we will try to get the police to help," he said.
There, he got in touch with a civilian intelligence office in the Tripoli suburbs and made his report.
Critics have asserted that such tensions led the Defense Department to create its own intelligence office as the Iraq war neared.
The new Department of Homeland Security got an intelligence office, but a modest one.
My intelligence office gets all sorts of news through the refugee community.
Full of this wise resolution, she took to haunting that purgatory of the poor, an intelligence office.
Someone, apparently an intelligence agent, offered to show him but led him instead to the intelligence office, where he was arrested.
As presumably any other member of a national intelligence office, Switters has a few secrets.
"It could be any military or intelligence office in Washington," Rodgers answered truthfully.
She left Shaw in the intelligence office and headed for the women's locker room, yawning as she went.