It is also intellectual piracy, stood on its head.
We already have more than sufficient laws on the books to control intellectual piracy.
But that has not prevented intellectual piracy from rising to the higher levels of American-Russian relations.
Hummel was one of the first to agitate for musical copyright in order to combat intellectual piracy.
And officials from Shanghai, where many local companies are themselves the victims of intellectual piracy by other Chinese companies, also argued for firm action.
At the same time, legislation was enacted by which Italy put into effect European Union norms against intellectual piracy.
China's violations of its agreements on intellectual piracy were too obvious to ignore, however, and here Washington decided that its credibility was truly at stake.
Although the reaction was a victory for new media, online intellectual piracy remains a serious issue.
Now, Chinese artists, feeling the loss of royalties, are joining big foreign interests to try to prevent intellectual piracy.
The Americans say they are willing to negotiate some concessions, provided there is progress in reducing some trade barriers and in other areas like intellectual piracy.