Writers-particularly Dissenters-sought him out, and his home started to become the centre of a radical and stimulating intellectual milieu.
He did not visit India, and his writings about it have been seen by some critics as reflecting his own intellectual milieu and its concerns.
Continuing through June 10, the exhibition illuminates not only Kokoschka's art but also the intellectual milieu around him.
Pragmatic instrumentalist thought would appear to have had a significant influence on the general intellectual milieu in which Jennings and Robson worked.
He also presented cases in which a dominant paradigm had withered away because its lost credibility when viewed against changes in the wider intellectual milieu.
Inge was important as the type of agent who linked the disparate cultures and intellectual milieus which formed the backbone of the social hygiene movement.
The original meaning of his intuitionism probably can not be completely disentangled from the intellectual milieu of that group.
He also spent time familiarizing himself with the intellectual milieu of Germany.
"Nor was I really part of either the bourgeois or the intellectual milieu."
Of these, many were from the Jewish intellectual milieu of New York City.