Peikoff has claimed to be her intellectual heir..
Like his intellectual heirs in the Tea Party, Thomas has a special hostility for government attempts to level the playing field in the political arena.
Crapanzano's resentment of what he takes to be Geertz's dismissive attitude toward his intellectual heirs is not unique.
Perhaps PBS is afraid of what Goldman's intellectual heirs might reveal.
The space agency has long been led by the intellectual heirs of Sir George Airy.
This criticism of economic growth is echoed by his intellectual heirs in the now emergent field of ecological economics.
Many Survivalists see themselves as the intellectual heirs of the Spiritualist movement.
An intellectual heir to omnivore composer-performers like Charles Mingus, he's a natural consolidator.
Newton and his intellectual heirs often saw the universe as a vast clockwork in which precise gears turned with slow deliberateness.
For those who believe in the power of ideas, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to answer: the intellectual heirs of Leo Strauss.