The intellectual godfather of the Revolution was John Locke, the 17th-century British rationalist.
Paul has been characterized as the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.
Q: I've heard Ron Paul referred to as the "intellectual godfather of the Tea Party movement".
Sale has been called "one of the intellectual godfathers of the secessionist movement."
Today, Mr. Paxton, 65, is intellectual godfather to a new and influential generation of French historians, although he is still reviled by a conservative minority.
My take is that Edward Said is the real intellectual godfather of this book.
So is Martin S. Feldstein, the intellectual godfather of a generation of Republican economists.
In 2006, National Review editor Rich Lowry called Rector "the intellectual godfather" of welfare reform.
Chris Hedges has called him "one of the intellectual godfathers of the secessionist movement."
He has appointed David T. Ellwood, the intellectual godfather of the time-limit idea, to a top welfare position.