He snorted aloud with zealotry and the lust for intellectual battle.
Speer was easy because it was an intellectual battle.
No matter who wins the intellectual battle, experts agree that deep earthquakes are a general expression of plate tectonics.
His savage face twisted under the strain of his intellectual battle.
AN intellectual battle is shaping up over what message the Democratic Party should carry into the presidential election.
As the long war over Darwinism continues, it can seem as if science and religion are approaching a kind of final intellectual battle.
Tolentino was often involved in great intellectual battles and feared for his parliamentary prowess.
Instead, the rise of authoritarian capitalism as an alternative to democratic market economies is probably the latest ideological, intellectual and moral battle that we face.
One attraction was the prospect of challenging top-level schools to do intellectual battle.
But while the no-load concept may have won the intellectual battle, it has yet to conquer the world.