The middle classes are very often the intellectual authors of revolutions.
"I'm confident we'll find the intellectual authors because the Government has taken the decision to pursue it to the end," the judge said.
Who are the intellectual authors of the Bush administration's deviation from free-market orthodoxy?
The chain of command in a sophisticated group connects the intellectual author of the terror to the attackers who carry out his will.
Even the constitution's main intellectual author has now begun to express doubts about the document.
The director became the intellectual author of the movie; the stars were made more human, the stories more enigmatic.
He is known as the most intellectual and conspicuous "author" in Iranian cinema.
Jesuits say the "intellectual authors" of the crime, those who ordered the killings, have not been caught.
Q. So, in your view, God is, as the Latin Americans say, the "intellectual author" of everything?
The prosecution accuses Gen Pinochet of being the "intellectual author" and an accessory to the crimes.