These intellectuals argue that repressing religious currents does not weaken them, but instead strengthens them.
Some intellectuals, such as Michael Ignatieff, argue that convergence of a general culture does not directly entail a similar convergence in ethnic identities.
Other intellectuals argue that the pressure for change, in the economy as well as in the arts, is originating from the people themselves and the leadership has to respond.
But many Iranian intellectuals argue that the availability of banned cassettes, videos and books is so widespread that it cannot be controlled.
Today, public intellectuals in South Korea sometimes argue for a return to the "seonbi spirit."
Critics and intellectuals have argued for more than a century over whether to blame Hedda for her actions or to blame the oppressive society around her.
Is it true, as many Chinese intellectuals have argued, that the foundations for democracy and rule of law are not in place?
Some Russian intellectuals argue that, though the girls may not be musical powerhouses as far as talent is concerned, they have already helped improve Russia's image abroad.
Some Bulgarian intellectuals argued that a monument of an unknown soldier is unacceptable since it would imply that the names of the soldiers have been forgotten.
Prominent Muslim intellectuals have argued that Islamic states destroy the purity of Islam.