But I think you are old enough now to understand the ethos not as an intellectual abstraction, but as an emotional reality.
Numbers, by contrast, are intellectual abstractions wholly outside the sensory realm.
If you're an architect, you long to design gloriously intellectual abstractions to be photographed in glittering, sterile perfection.
The most obvious common 'personality' characteristics of hackers are high intelligence, consuming curiosity, and facility with intellectual abstractions.
Her current theatre work continues to express the philosophical as well as complex levels of intellectual abstraction.
God, on the other hand, was a somewhat shadowy figure, defined in intellectual abstractions rather than images.
Because he did not want the term 'archetypes' to become yet another intellectual abstraction, Jung advanced various mythic images to illustrate them.
Christ's commandment to love others as He loved seemed to have been lost in the intellectual abstractions of the time.
So this notion of connecting endpoints was what was created, a pure intellectual abstraction.
Over eight albums he has grown better and better at connecting intellectual abstraction with tactile experience.